Friday, January 10, 2014

Rex Week Two: Breakfast of Champions

Another color/B&W comparison -- and a tip of the hat to the guy who was here before me....


Anonymous said...

Hi, this is my first time here, thanks to Comics Curmudgeon. I'm sorry to hear that you've been getting negative comments. I wanted to mention that I'm a long time comics reader who doesn't really follow the writer/illustrator back story. When the art changed in RM I really didn't know what was going on. Maybe if a little note was placed in the first strip people would be more understanding and willing to grant you some slack.

jim, some guy in iowa said...

like anonymous, got here through the Comics Curmudgeon. I like how we can see Sarah thinking, " what do I say?" in that last panel, and your dog looks good too. someday people will crab about whoever replaces you. good luck

john said...

Nice touch with the cereal box.