As noted in my previous post, I'm going to be offering some of my Phantom artwork for sale in order to raise the funds to replace the computer I use to digitally pencil, letter and color the strip.
The process here is that I print the pencils (done in Manga Studio) in blue (a 50% cyan usually), along with the lettering and borders in black, on 11 x 17 bristol board, and then ink the art traditionally by hand with brush and pen. Some of the blue "pencil" lines can show through -- but it's usually rather subtle and doesn't detract from the art at all.
This is then scanned for color, which is done in Photoshop. In some cases, repeat panels are digital printouts as well -- and the logo panel is always printed -- the modern equivalent of a "paste-up" -- but without the eventual rubber cement stains or faded photostat! Sound effects lettering -- and once in a while, some of the more mechanical background lines, are digital as well.
As an incentive to buy now, I'm going to include with each Phantom page purchased, a randomly chosen page of original artwork from my files of comic book pages inked by me. I'll also toss in a few surprise extras just to sweeten the deal. Prices include shipping in the US -- overseas shipping will have to be calculated and added in, as that can add up a little too much. I'm also dropping some of the prices a little from the prices I've had on these at comic book shows.
Art here is all from Sunday strips that have seen print, starting with the first page from the current Power House gang story (sorry, all but one "Shadows of Rune Noble" pages are gone -- and I'm keeping that one). I do have pages that have not seen print yet -- but can't show them publicly, for the obvious reason.
Sunday strip 4-8-12: Phantom profile in last panel. Note that my scanner is adding a slight blue tint that is not present in the original art. That just might be Mandrake in the magazine photo in story panel 3. Was $250.00 now $200.00 ON HOLD.
Sunday strip 4-15-12: Big Phantom figure in last panel. Blue "shadow" from scanner NOT on the art. $300.00 ON HOLD
Sunday strip 4-22-12: Story panels one and two are digital "repeats" (somewhat altered from previous week). Moody Phantom close-up in panel 7. Was $250.00 now $225.00.
Sunday strip 4-29-12: Phantom in five panels, classic arms folded shot center of page. $350.00. SOLD
Sunday strip 5-6-12: Phantom in 3 panels with nice moody close-up center of page. Pencils and lettering misprinted wrong size on reverse! Was $250.00 now $225.00 ON HOLD
Sunday strip 5-13-12: First appearance of the Power House Gang. Phantom lurking in last panel. Wire fence is digital. Was $250.00 now $225.00
Sunday strip 5-20-12. Phantom in three panels with nice big 3/4 rear head shot. I printed the blue line pencils way too dark on this one -- and, silly me, went ahead and inked it that way. Unlike the other originals, the blue line really does show on this one, which may be a distraction for some. Was $250.00 now $200.00 (ignore that black line at top -- that's from the scanner....)
Sunday strip 5-27-12: Phantom in 3 panels -- slugs Zafar in big panel. Radiating lines in that panel are a digital effect. Was $300.00 now $275.00. ON HOLD
Sunday page 6-3-12: Once again, please note, my scanner is adding a blue "shadow" at the top of some of these that is not in the original art (time for a new scanner, too!?!?!) Full figure shot of Phantom in top panel -- two more shots of him follow -- but in gas mask. Note that you can see the "ghost" blue pencil image of a couch in the background of panel one that I decided to leave out of the inks. It was established as part of the set in a previous page -- but I felt it just made the panel too busy -- and went for clarity over continuity here. SOLD.
Sunday page 6-10-12: Phantom in two panels. BOOM panel is all digital. Was $275.00 now $225.00.
Sunday page 6-17-12: Phantom in two panels -- nice profile shot. Spatter effect in background of panel 6 is digital. Was $275.00 now $225.00.
Sunday page 6-24-12 -- Today's page! Logo panel printed a little lighter than usual -- but doesn't seem as obvious in the original as it does in this scan. Some of the background buildings are digital, but touched up and partially inked by hand. Nice big close-up of Phantom and some tricky panel/balloon placement! Was $300.00 now $275.00.
Email me directly at to check on availability and to reserve. I do take Paypal. I will update this listing as pages are sold. For local buyers (in the KC area), I will gladly hand deliver your pages. As noted, overseas buyers will need to add extra for shipping (amount to be determined, depending on location). Thanks for looking -- and my apologies for the blatant hucksterism this week -- but this seems to he most direct way to raise the bucks I need to keep the work flowing. See you in the funny papers!