Friday, September 12, 2008


After a long break, due to a full schedule of teaching and comic book work, I'm once again taking commission orders from comic fans and art collectors.  Below are a batch I just finished.  The babe on the bomb is "The Purple Tigress," an obscure Golden Age character drawn for a collection of "nose art"-inspired "bombshells." 

The next three all have a Batman connection.  Here's bat-villain Harley Quinn having her evil plans scuttled by Zatanna.

Batgirl and Poison Ivy

And for a long-time Ms. Tree fan, here's a pair of detectives ready to cause some damage.  I have a few more of these in the works and room on my schedule for even more -- so feel free to contact me, should you want to get on the list....


SwanShadow said...

That Purple Tigress Bombshell! turned out wicked awesome, Mr. B. She's a Terry-fic addition to my theme!

Thanks very, very much!

'Lil Ric said...

I'd read a Batman/Mrs. Tree book. Great stuff!