Blog of cartoonist Terry Beatty. Terry's credits include THE BATMAN STRIKES, MS. TREE and SCARY MONSTERS magazine. Recent work includes THE ADVENTURES OF UNEMPLOYED MAN, RETURN TO PERDITION and King Features' THE PHANTOM. This blog is devoted to his work and whatever pop culture imagery he finds of interest. Visit his website at
Do you get instructions from the writer as to facial expressions, or do you just base them on your interpretation of the story-line? I’m asking because in Sunday’s Rex Morgan, Sarah appears to be having second thoughts about her book deal.
It is amazng how much I enjoy the B&W version over the color. Like a good B&W film it allows for depth and use of shadow lost in the color version.
Do you get instructions from the writer as to facial expressions, or do you just base them on your interpretation of the story-line? I’m asking because in Sunday’s Rex Morgan, Sarah appears to be having second thoughts about her book deal.
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