Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wally Wood: "The Thing from the Sea"

Another one I found in the files -- from Avon's Eerie #16 -- it's Wally Wood's The Thing from the Sea. If you're reading and enjoying these vintage comic stories I've been posting here from time to time, please leave a comment.


Booksteve said...

This one's been reprinted endlessly in black and white but not sure I've ever seen it in color before. I like it much better!

diana green said...

Very cool, Terry. Two things struck me. First, I always think of Wood as a fantasy and S illustrator and forget how strong his horror work can be.
Second, until this story, I didn't notice that Avon also used the Kroy lettering machine that EC used. It does give a uniform and legible text, but so, so boring as comic typography goes!

Steve Ringgenberg said...

Terry, love all this vintage stuff that I've never seen. Thanks for taking the time to share. You rock!

Booksteve said...

I'm certain I've seen this story in some of Bill Black's B&W reprints and Theakston's also.

One place I KNEW I had seen it in B&W however, was Skywald's NIGHTMARE # 1...I thought!

I looked at GCD and I was right except that they had a question mark next to Wood's name along with this note:"Attributed to Woods (sic) in The Wally Wood Checklist & The Wally Wood Treasury but I don’t really see Wood’s hand anywhere in this story." (Richard Arndt).

And I see why. It's REDRAWN!!!! Panel for panel! Some traced line for line but most "improved" on by some anonymous artist (Dick Ayers seems to show at times). The woman has a shorter, more modern hairstyle. The whole thing is re-lettered also but panel placement is almost exactly the same leaving one panel completely blank for example! THAT's why it looked so much better to me in color! Don't have the other reprints handy to check but hopefully they were done from the source material and not this "reprint." Jeez! The nerve of some people! Talk about swipes!

Booksteve said...

"panel placement" above should be "balloon placement"

Martin Powell said...

Oohh...never saw this one before. Very creepy. Love Wally Wood.