Scary Monsters makes the news in Kenosha! Thanks to Dave Fuentes for bringing this to my attention.
Followers of this blog will note a lack of activity lately. That's due to life keeping me a little busier than usual. My family and I are leaving Minneapolis and moving to the Kansas City area. The past month has been a flurry of sorting, selling, packing -- and, since we're buying a house -- filling out forms, signing agreements, faxing, scanning, emailing, transferring, hoping, praying, crossing fingers, etc.
We close on the new place today and move early next week. The contents of my studio are now (mostly) packed into boxes -- and my, oh my -- do I own a LOT of books! Once we're moved in and I get Humpty Dumpty put back together again, I'll share some pics of my new work space here.
In the meantime, things are likely to be slow blog-wise. But I promise new and interesting stuff once we get settled. I have some new projects planned and will be sharing info on those as soon as I can.
I will say that I've loved living in Minneapolis, and am going to miss all my amazing friends here. But I already have some pals in KC, and it appears to have a thriving rockabilly scene -- and a big comics community. And the BBQ. Oh, the BBQ! I think I'll fit in just fine.
Terry, so sad that in all the opportunities you provided, i didn't make one to give you a proper goodbye! KC's gain is our loss, but I hope you'll be able to make SpringCon again- and if you're in town, stop in at MCAD!
Good luck with the move! I look forward to seeing what you're up to in the upcoming months!
Also, congrats on the house!
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