Another reason I love Minneapolis

Liberty Custard!  Not only does this retro-styled food stand serve some of the tastiest frozen desserts you're likely to find this side of heaven -- they also have working vintage arcade games -- like this great "Cross Town" pinball machine.  Housed in an enameled steel-walled former gas station, Liberty Custard is just too damn cool -- and another reason I love Minneapolis.

Off-Kilter Comics at MCAD Gallery

MCAD is currently hosting a show of comic art from a group of (mostly) Chicago area cartoonists (with one Twin Citian, Zak Sally,  snuck in for good measure).  Off-Kilter Comics runs through April20.  Here are pics from last night's opening reception.

Introductory talk by (L to R) Ivan Brunetti, Onsmith, Zak Sally and John Hankiewicz

Cartoonist Lilli Carre' and her work

Below are a few sample pics of original art and printed comics on display

MCAD mini comics expo

The 3rd Annual Mini Comics Expo was held Friday at MCAD -- pictures of the students showing and selling their comics are shown here, along with pics of the award winners of the day: Renny Kissling , Hannah Blumenreich and Anna Bongiovanni.




Poster illo by Renny

Instructor Barbara Schulz chats with student Evan Palmer

Students thrilled to meet cartoonist Ivan Brunetti

Stockcar Named Desire

Here's a couple pics of Twin Cities rockabilly band "Stockcar Named Desire" on stage -- first at the Fridley Crab House a while back -- and at the Minnesota Music Cafe last Thursday in St. Paul.  The MMC is a great venue with a big elevated stage and an ample dance floor. Stockcar is playing the MMC every Thursday -- with FREE dance lessons from Shannon and Bill before the show.  They're also doing a jam session night at Stasiu's in "Nordeast" Minneapolis on Tuesdays.  Catch 'em if you can!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

MCAD Merit Scholarships

Congratulations to the winners of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design Merit Scholarship awards. Here are examples of the work of three of my comic students who were granted scholarships -- as well as one illustration student who is currently taking a comics class with me at MCAD.  All awards well deserved!

Senior Design Merit Scholarship: Andres Guzman

Roy B. Justis Comic art Scholarship award winner Bart King

Winner of the Hero Initiative Comic Scholarship: Madeline Queripel

Senior Design Merit Scholarship: Ed Moorman